High School Students:
An EMAIL account you check regularly that is NOT your school account.
  • You will receive emails throughout the application process including reminders to complete REQUIREMENTS. These can be VERY helpful!
List of what you have done in grades 9-12:
  • School and Community Involvement: athletics, clubs & organizations (include NHS), volunteer activities, church/religious activities, music/theater/arts activities
  • Academic/Merit and Financial Awards: Dean's list, honor roll, scholarships and other monetary awards you will be using to pay for your education
  • Employment History: all past and current jobs for which you were paid
Written essays:
  • Goals Essay: 100-200 words typed in a document and paste in application when complete. "Please describe your plans as they relate to your educational and career objectives and future goals."
  • Unusual Circumstances Essay: 100-200 words typed in a document and paste in application when complete. "Please describe how and when any unusual family or personal circumstances have affected your achievement in school, work experience, or your participation in school and community activities."
School Counselor Information for Transcript Request:
  • School Official: Regina Sirianni
  • School Official Email:  rsirianni@stpeterschools.org
  • School Official Phone: 507-934-4212
  • Enter this email address CORRECTLY, or she will not receive your request, your REQUIRED info will not be entered, and you will NOT be eligible to receive ANY scholarships. 
College Students: 
If you applied for a scholarship when in high school - use the same account. If not, you will need to create an account. 
An EMAIL account you check regularly that is NOT your school account.
  • You will receive emails throughout the application process including reminders to complete REQUIREMENTS. These can be VERY helpful!
List of what you have done during college:
  • School and Community Involvement: athletics, clubs & organizations, volunteer activities, church/religious activities, music/theater/arts activities
  • Academic/Merit and Financial Awards: Dean's list, honor roll, scholarships and other monetary awards you will be using to pay for your education
  • Employment History: all past and current jobs for which you were paid
Written essays:
  • During the SEARCH for scholarships step, you will be prompted to answer the following: "Briefly describe your college experience and goals for completing your degree. Specifically include academic accomplishments, community leadership and volunteerism, and any barriers to school success you have overcome."
  • 100-200 words typed in a document and paste in application when complete.
FAFSA form that shows your EFC:
  • EFC number is found on the SAR you received after completing the FAFSA.
  • Estimated Family Contribution is a measure of how much your family can contribute to the cost of your education. The EFC is not a dollar amount. Please enter the EFC exactly as it shows on your Student Aid Report.

updated January 2024