These details apply to both high school students and college students. Specific instructions for college students are highlighted in green: College Students.
Step 2. Completing your Student Profile
- After you log on with your email and new password, you will see the Dashboard page. The Dashboard is your summary of the information you have entered. This is your home page.
- Your next task is to work on completing your student profile. Under the My Information bar: you will see a "Work on Profile" button to work on your profile. Click this button to begin.
- Anything with a double asterisk (**) is required to apply for scholarships by the ChapterNet System.
- Some of the other fields are required by our local scholarships as well. Please read through these instructions for what is required for St. Peter students.
- There are several sections to the profile. "Save and continue" will save your information and bring you to the next section OR you can click to the left side menu to skip ahead to the parts of the profile.
- All fields should be filled out before you search and apply for scholarships (step 3).
Specific instructions for St. Peter-Kasota Dollars for Scholars:
- When your application is scored, it is based on information YOU entered on the profile.
- Dollars for Scholars scholarships ARE COMPETITIVE. To give yourself the best possible chance to receive a scholarship, it is in your best interest to be as specific and accurate as possible and you must complete your entire online profile.
My Information - we are highlighting some of the most frequently asked about questions
Basic Info: all fields with a **
Primary Phone: consider checking "YES" to opt in for text messages from the chapter (to notify you of missing information only)
Additional Info: all fields with a **
First Generation: choose yes if none of your parents graduated with a bachelor's degree.
Highest Level of Education Completed: choose "Some High School"
Schools: all fields with a **
High School Students - College Information: At a minimum, you must complete the following fields marked with *:
Intended College 1; Intended College App Status 1; What type of post-secondary institution (if any) are you attending/plan to attend?; Intended/Current College Major 1; Student will be enrolled: College Application Status
Current Grade Level: choose "Senior in High School"
If any of this information changes, please update it here. If you make changes AFTER March 31, please also email the new information to
College Students - College Information:
Update Current Grade Level to "2nd Year Post-High School or beyond"
Update current college attending info and delete the rest
GPA: all fields with a **
For GPA information available, choose either "I have high school GPA information" or "I have high school and College GPA information" if you have taken college courses during high school.
Check the box that says "My school uses weighted GPAs."
You only need to enter your grade 12 Cumulative Weighted GPA (after the first semester of your Senior Year) as well as your cumulative GPA;
For GPA scale, enter 4. -
Enter Cumulative College Grade and scale, if applicable.
College Students: use most current cumulative COLLEGE GPA
Class Rank: You can skip this section - St Peter does not use it.
Test Scores: You can skip this section - St Peter does not use it.
Activities: Enter everything you have done since 9th grade! It is very important you be as specific as you are able. Allow plenty of time to complete this section thoroughly.
Include all school AND non-school related extracurricular activities such as athletics, clubs and organizations, volunteer, church/religious, and music/theater/arts activities in this section.
Each activity should be entered separately.
For number of years, count 9-12th grades only.
Click the green plus (+) sign at the top to add each activity.
Tips and examples for entering Activities:
National Honor Society is considered an Activity - choose "Clubs and Organizations" then choose "National Honor Society". List offices held under the Awards, Honors, Offices at the bottom of this page.
For Athletic Level of Involvement, enter the level at which you played your sport. If you have played at multiple levels since 9th grade, each activity should be entered separately. You will indicate the number of years you played at this level in the next field.
Example: community basketball in 9-10 grades is one entry for 2 years; playing high school basketball in 9-12 grades would be a second entry of High School Varsity for 4 years -
For Awards, Honors, Offices include things such as section or state qualifier honors, special awards or recognitions, captain, offices such as President, Treasurer, held etc. Keep clicking green plus to add in Awards, Honors or Offices.
Example: if you were a section qualifier in swimming from 9-12 grade, you would have four entries under awards, honors, activities within the Activity of swimming. -
Once you have entered an activity, click Save and Add Another activity until you have completed all your activities. When completely done with all activities, click Save.
It is worth the time and investment to enter as many of these as you are able and to be specific. Many of our local scholarships have a specific activity as a requirement, such as baseball, or vocal music, or community service, and more!
Why?: For example, if you do not enter Baseball as an activity, you will not match to the Baseball scholarship
College Students: add activities you are involved in at COLLEGE. Delete high school info.
Awards: this section records all financial and academic/merit awards NOT tied to a specific activity that were received from 9th grade or later. Click green plus (+) sign to enter awards.
Example: making the Dean's list/Honor Roll, winning other financial scholarships
Hint: National Honor Society counts as an activity and should be entered in the previous Activity section.
College Students: add awards you are involved in at COLLEGE. Delete high school info.
Employment: this section records any employment you held from 9th grade or later that you received payment for. Click green plus (+) sign to enter employment.
College Students: add paid jobs you have had while in COLLEGE. Delete high school info.
Documents: High School students do not have to upload any documents.
College Students: upload your most recent transcript (unofficial is fine) that includes your Cumm GPA
Parent/Guardian Info: If you are under the age of 16, you will be REQUIRED to enter your parent's information. If you are 16 or older, you may enter parent info if you wish to have them receive info.
Financial Info: St.Peter-Kasota Dollars for Scholars does not require financial information for high school students. You can skip this section.
If you are applying for Scholarship America scholarships using this ChapterNet account, you will likely have to provide this information.
College Students: Enter EFC from your FAFSA - this is REQUIRED for college students
Goals Essay: This is REQUIRED for our high school scholarships.
"Please describe your plans as they relate to your educational and career objectives and future goals."
100-200 words max
Your essay should answer this prompt, give specific examples, and be well written. Tell us where you plan to go to college, what you plan to major in and what career you hope to have. If you are unsure, explain that and tell us what else you are considering.
Please do not enter a generic essay written for a college application or class assignment if it does not specifically answer the prompt.
We recommend you type your essay in a document then paste it here when complete.
College Students: please skip this section - your essay will be entered later, in step 3
Unusual Circumstances Essay: This is not required but is a good place to share additional information with the awards committee.
"Describe how and when any specific family or personal circumstances have affected your achievement in school, work experience, or your participation in school and community activities."
100-200 words max
We recommend you type your essay in a document then paste it here when complete.
College Students: please skip this section
Transcripts: This is REQUIRED and must be done accurately!
Note that Ms Sirianni will not complete this until after the first semester of your Senior year.
Click green plus (+) sign that says "add School Official Information". If you will be graduating from St. Peter High School, enter (or copy & paste) the following information, EXACTLY:
School Official First Name: Regina
School Official Last Name: Sirianni
School Official Email:
Enter this email address CORRECTLY, or she will not receive your request, your REQUIRED info will not be entered, and you will NOT be eligible to receive ANY scholarships.
School Official Phone: 507-934-4212
References: This is not required by St. Peter-Kasota Dollars for Scholars.
updated January 2024