Congratulations 2018 scholarship recipients!
Miranda Bresnahan | Alice Bergeron Memorial Scholarship |
Lily Werner | Ameriprise Financial Scholarship |
Jordan Keeley | Anonymous Memorial Scholarship |
Sienna Wiebusch | Ashley Rose Leonard Memorial Scholarship |
Justin Clark | Bob and Nathan Bruns Memorial Scholarship |
Suzanne Dietrich | Colleges & University Professional Association for Human Resources Scholarship |
Mathew Meixner | Counseling Services of Southern Minnesota Scholarship |
Kennady Legg | David C. Rosoff Memorial Scholarship |
Cole Pankratz | David Michael Miller Memorial Scholarship |
Megan Erickson | David Michael Miller Memorial Scholarship |
Mara Johnson | David Michael Miller Memorial Scholarship - STEM |
Rose Prins | David Michael Miller Memorial Scholarship - STEM |
Rafat Solaiman | Dollars for Scholars - Phone-a-thon |
Teagan Weiss | Dollars for Scholars - Phone-a-thon |
Sumeya Ali | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Maansi Bhakta | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Lexie Blaschko | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Bethany Bresnahan | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Josephine Carlson | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Katrina Creel | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Nasra Daud | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Marianna DeBlieck | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Felipe Diaz Nunez | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Emma Doherty-Bohn | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
McKinzie Frederick | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Eleanor Grinnell | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Leah Harms | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Justyn Hermel | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Kate Hildebrandt | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Josiah Johnson | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Nora Leonard | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Henry Olson | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Jacob Pehrson | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Anthony Putz | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Shannon Rao | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Kaitlyn Rinehart | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Clayton Schrumpf | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Rafat Solaiman | Dollars for Scholars General Scholarship |
Jeremy Zuhlsdorf | Don Nesheim Scholarship |
Grace Pehrson | Dranttel Sales and Service, Inc. Scholarship |
Sophia Weelborg | Eileen T. Miller Memorial Music Scholarship |
Jacob Emley | Eldred Engel Memorial Scholarship |
Ethan Klaseus | Eldred Engel Memorial Scholarship |
Olivia McCabe | Emily Herr Memorial Scholarship |
Drew Elofson | Fern Martinson Memorial Scholarship |
Matthias Annexstad | HomeTown Bank of St. Peter Scholarship |
Leif Annexstad | Ken and Patsy Rossow Scholarship |
Nicholas Seitzer | Kiwanis Club of St. Peter Scholarship |
Owen Little | Kley Family Scholarship |
Hannah Hansen | Loren & Mary Bjerke Memorial Scholarship |
Casey Osborne | Nelson Printing Scholarship |
Sarah Borgmeier | Nicole Meier Memorial Scholarship |
Hunter Braun | Nicole Meier Memorial Scholarship |
Greta Anderson | Nicollet County Bank Scholarship |
Ellie Johnson | P.E.O. Chapter CN Scholarship |
Madalyn Rimstad | Red Men Lodge Ottawa Tribe 49 Scholarship |
Antonia Weiss | Richard Reyelts Memorial Scholarship |
Mackenzie Kienholz | Riverside Dental Care Scholarship |
Teagan Weiss | Scholarship America Mission Award |
Sophia Weelborg | Scholarship America Mission Award |
Carrigan Miller | Signe Chilstrom Memorial Scholarship |
Alexandra Gault | Sons of American Legion for Students of St. Peter High School Scholarship |
Kelsey Kampa | SouthPoint Financial Credit Union Scholarship |
Lillian Anderson | St. Peter All School Reunion Committee |
Kayla Oeltjenbruns | St. Peter Education Association Scholarship |
Reegan Kelly | St. Peter Rotary Scholarship |
Rachel Quist | St. Peter Rotary Scholarship |
Nicole Ebeling | St. Peter Volleyball Association Scholarship |
Alexander Chadwick | St. Peter Youth Basketball Association Scholarship |
Alexandra Zachman | St. Peter Youth Basketball Association Scholarship |
Danielle Epper | St. Peter-Kasota Dollars for Scholars Renewable Scholarship |
Zoe Haugen | Steve Koble Memorial Scholarship |
Alexis Orth | The Fair Emporium Scholarship |
Payton Portugue | Trinity Lutheran Church Scholarship |
Teagan Weiss | Women Celebrating Women |